Monday, 22 October 2012

Thriller Progress RE: Shooting Locations

So, in the process of making a thriller I realize that we are our own location scouts in addition to being our own directors and everything else under the sun. No problem. These were some possible locations I found of shooting a 'sci-fi thriller'.

The local art gallery from the outside
I was thinking that having a science experiment in a glass room would be a cool idea. Nothing more. Oh, it was spacious as well as you can see. An idea I had in mind was to have broken glass everywhere from 'the explosion' but I hadn't thought it all the way through yet.
The local art gallery from the inside

Further along, outside the town hall I found an empty store (as in not being used for a store). I thought this could be a good location for my thriller because a) it wasn't in use and b) it seems like it would be of good use for a fake laboratory. To be honest, I don't have the highest standards for a set. Below is a picture of what I could see of the inside. Since it was an unused property, it was locked.

I seem to have a knack for finding unused properties because I found another one. For the record, this is a very small town. This one however was obviously meant to be something nice as it had a front door with nice floors.

At this point I think I got a bit desperate or bored in my pursuit of a location for my thriller and I wondered where can I find an open, available space. Wrong question. I realize now that I can't exactly shoot a lab experiment outdoors when it's an indoor thing.

This open lot was no better.

Alright, this was supposed to be a picture of an empty indoor space that is a definite contender. Basically, when I took the picture there was some yoga/pilates/physical wellness class taking place so I wasn't allowed inside. If it wasn't for that, I'd say that it was almost perfect.

Ultimately if I had a choice, I would pick an actual chemistry lab as my thriller set borrowing items from the science dept.

*fingers crossed*

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